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About Us

The Beginnings of Needmore Farms

When people ask me how Needmore Farms was created, my answer is always quick and simple… Jesus. Yep, Jesus actually pulled up into our front yard one hot sunny morning in June with a load of watermelon. He had a fresh load of melons all the way up from Florida and was looking for a place to pull over and sell from. You could tell he was tired from driving and I was happy to let him park for the day and sell. In his haste to leave that morning, he forgot to bring a chair and it was too hot to sit in his truck all day.

This was a great opportunity to practice “Be ye kind to one another” with my little ones at home so I gathered them in the living room and we talked about what we could do to make Jesus’ day a little easier. The girls decided he needed a chair, some water bottles, and a sign to write the price of his watermelon on. Excitedly, off they went to gather everything on their list and take it to him. The smiles that beamed across their faces will forever be etched in my mind!

They sat on the couch, looking out the window all day long watching different people stop and buy the watermelon and when their daddy came home from work that day, they too hurried out the front door to be a customer themselves. Jesus, so thankful for their kindness, gladly handed them the biggest watermelon they had ever seen! It was that moment that my little girls (and their mama) were hooked on kindness and watermelon.


Jesus came back again over the next couple of days to sell his tasty watermelon in our front yard. Then, one afternoon, just before he left for the day, he got a call for another trucking job. Jesus really needed to take the job, but he still had quite a few watermelon left to sell so he asked us if we would like to sell them and keep the profits. My little girls were so excited! Here they had watched him for days selling his watermelon by the road and now THEY were going to have their own chance to sell the sweet fruit of summer. They had a plan too for the profits, they wanted a greenhouse to grow flowers in.

So it really was Jesus who got us into this business, both literally and figuratively. I believe He brought those watermelon to our yard by way of a tired Hispanic man who needed to be shown kindness. I believe that it’s the kindness that makes us special. He showed us from day one that we needed have that as the foundation of our business and I believe it’s something we’ve always done. Jesus and watermelon, two very important things at Needmore Farms.

Meet The Team

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